Flower bouquet pop-up card for women’s day

This is not a statement for women’s day, I think we should cherish both women and men in our every day life, not only on a specific date. However, I want to take advantage of this day and create something beautiful and share my colors with you: a flower bouquet pop-up card. No only for women, you can offer it to the men who appreciate colors, too :).

I stole this card idea from Youtube (this and this), just made it a bit more simple, with no extra paper for the bouquet part. Just some wooden color circles cut from a magazine.

The front cover is simple, so you can assume I invented it 🙂

I worked on it with care and for a few good hours, slowly, listening to some language courses on YouTube and sent it to my mom. I hope she will like it. So here is my flower bouquet card: