Scrambled eggs, rich and delicious

These scrambled eggs are a perfect way to start the day. Usually I feel like having a piece of bread next to any type of scrambled eggs. But this version contains potatoes, therefore it is perfect to eat without bread and it is even gluten free. It is full of umami taste and colorful. Here is how to make it.

scrambled eggsRich scrambled eggs
Servings: 2
Cooking time: 25 min
Difficulty: easy


  • 4 medium eggs
  • 2 small potatoes
  • 1 small onion
  • 3 slices of bacon
  • 3-4 mushrooms
  • 1 pepper (or two halves of different color)
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. First, start cooking the diced bacon. It is best to cook it first so that you can use the fat from it for cooking the rest. Put it aside.
  2. Cook the diced potato until slightly colored.
  3. Add the julienned onion and cook until both of them are done.
  4. Also add  the mushrooms – usually I use fresh, but dried and hydrated shiitake mushrooms work too.
  5. Add the pepper and cook for a few more min until it gets a bit soft.
  6. You can now add back the bacon and taste to check if it needs any salt.
  7. It’s time to add the mixed eggs, seasoned with salt and pepper.
  8. Cook 1-2 min on low fire until you reach the desired consistency.
  9. And the scrambled eggs are ready to be savored.